My Services

I pride myself not on my work, but on the results of my work. Clients who have been through my services regularly report having higher levels of Success and Happiness than before.

Kick Start your career

Explore, Imagine, Launch & most important Embrace the Change.

Explore options with meaningful insights, Imagine different future options, Embrace your uniqueness and Launch your Career to next level.

The world is yours to live gracefully and your story is not yet written - destiny awaits.

Let's begin!

Whether you're thinking about your next step after school, your career after university or looking for possible work options, I’m here to help find the right answers for you. Comprehensive and insightful career Guidance & planning for individuals.
Take a look at My Programs and find the RIGHT ONE FOR YOU.
Career Guidance for Youth
Career Guidance for Youth
Career Guidance For Mature Aged
Career Guidance For Mature Aged
For Yuva
For Schools
Schools role in students career development
Schools role in students career development
For Mature Aged

My approach

The way I approach towards education and career guidance is, to help people not only choose a career and “find work” but also to make meaning of their career lives, find a sense of purpose and hope, design a successful life, and make meaningful social contributions. To me, the nature of Career success is subjective as well as objective. subjective career success (e.g., job satisfaction, career satisfaction) and objective career success (e.g., salary, promotions).

With complex career decisions, it’s very natural to feel, from where to begin. My sessions provide a framework - starting with embracing your own self, exploring possibilities and launching an actionable plan. For each client I cover four Categories.

Knowledge and Skills: The knowledge and skills area include three components: occupational expertise (academic knowledge), job market knowledge, and soft skills. Overall, this area covers aspects of knowledge and skills which are essential for a successful career.

Environment: This includes four components: career opportunities, social support, challenges, and socio-economic background. Overall, the environmental area describe resources in the outer world, as well as private context, which are essential for a successful career.

Motivation: This includes three components: involvement, confidence, and clarity in relation to one’s own career. Overall, this area describes aspects of the personal motivation that are essential for a successful career.

Activities: This includes three components: networking, career information gathering, and continuous learning. Overall, it takes into account behaviors which are essential for a successful career. Career development and management is not a 'set and forget' process. As new opportunities emerge, and needs and priorities shift, my tools and support stand ready to assist in new ways.

Coaching for Entrepreneurs
Coaching for Entrepreneurs
For Entrepreneurs