My Services
I pride myself not on my work, but on the results of my work. Clients who have been through my services regularly report having higher levels of Success and Happiness than before.
For Yuva
A Career Guidance program, professionally designed to provide a strong foundation for career exploration and decision making.
What's in it for YOU
The Yuva Individual Program is for school and undergraduate students. This Program encompasses three areas which are –
Academic Development
Students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to successful learning in school and for lifelong learning.
Students will develop the academic skills and attitudes necessary to make effective transitions from grade to grade and to a wide range of postsecondary options.
Students will understand how their academic experiences prepare them to be successful in the world of work, in their interpersonal relationships, and in the community.
Career Development
Students will acquire the self-knowledge necessary to make informed career decisions.
Students will understand the relationship between educational achievement and career development.
Students will employ career management strategies to achieve future career success and satisfaction.
Personal and Social Development
Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to understand themselves and appreciate the diverse backgrounds of others.
Students will make decisions, solve problems, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals.
Students will understand and use safety and survival skills.
Students will develop an understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural values and traditions of India, and family responsibilities.
It is expected that through this program the students will be able to develop attitudes, knowledge, and skills that can help them to be successful – in school, work, and life.
Self-concept development, the acquisition of learning skills, interpersonal relationship skills development, decision-making, skill building, awareness and beginning exploration of educational and career possibilities are examples of topics that are covered in this program. Students will be introduced to the concepts of work and making decisions first before they can be applied to concepts of the world of work.
It is intended as a solid basis for self-exploration. It starts with a comprehensive profiling session, and includes a detailed Report, a one-hour session with me, and access to my web-based portal from which you can connect to the best available resources and build your Career Action Plan.
This program is designed in three parts taking into consideration the educational level of students.
Career Accelerator
For Undergraduate and graduate students - The Yuva just starting out, entering the world of work for the first time, you don’t have to have your whole life figured out right after graduating, putting together a plan with realistic goals will help you create a clear path.
How this Program works?
Reflecting on the years that have passed. Reflecting upon the learning and the opportunities and challenges it brought with it. What new skills you have learned or devoted some time to horn on those skills you already have. It is this reflection that will allow you to map your strengths and weaknesses, your interests and passion. It will also help you identify skills you lack at this point.
Once you are self-aware we will start making a rough plan for you. This includes –
what’s important for You: A handsome starting income? Good work-life balance? Job security? Collaboration? Clear growth potential etc.
What values you’d like in a future employer: a strong company culture and policies on sustainability, diversity, flexibility, etc. Your ideal workplace would look like, remote, hybrid, or office-based.
The next step will be making a list of potential professions and industries. This will give you a clear idea of the requirements and pathways and whether you’ll need to fill gaps through further learning.
For this I will guide you for
Conducting research of job openings on sites like Monster, Naukri and LinkedIn. Noting down the common skills (hard and soft), qualifications, responsibilities, experience, and salary ranges to get a picture of real-world requirements. While doing this we will also take into consideration what jobs are in-demand now and in the next 10 years?
Once we shortlist that, we will compare your skills, interests, values, and personality to the requirements of the careers you’re considering. What are their similarities and differences, and can you close any gaps through learning?
The next step is to Set both short- and long-term goals, and list the steps you need to take to achieve them.
Final step is Apply & prepare for the job interview.
Navigator Junior
Students in Standard 9th and 10th will benefit from considering alternative career options and suitable subject choices for Years 11 and 12.
Career awareness – Students of this age are gaining new awareness of themselves as they interact with others. Students begin to understand the role of work and some general knowledge of different occupations.
Career orientation - Self-awareness and knowledge of occupations is strengthened through more actual interventions with work and working people.
Navigator Senior
Students in Standard 11th and 12th will benefit from exploring a range of potentially compatible career and course options for under-graduation and post-graduation.
Career exploration – Students are able to match interests to occupations and develop entry level work skills in their high school and postsecondary plans of study.
Specialty – Students will make a career choice based on their interests and abilities. Their career plans include preparation for work and higher education.
After completion of the Program every student will take a Pledge
Why Take a Pledge?
POSITIVE CHANGES Making small healthy behaviour changes can result in big positive outcomes. Pledges are small changes that you can integrate into your life fairly easily. Positive outcomes are, increased energy levels, reduced anxiety, increased confidence and increased levels of wellbeing.
SOMETHING TO AIM FOR Making a pledge can help you: Determine what you want to achieve or change and why. Decide on a course of action Achieve the change or goal. Pledge can increase motivation and commitment, making you more likely to succeed.
REALISTIC Pledge can help you determine whether the behaviour change is realistic for you, and if you'll be able to add it to your daily life.
SUSTAINABLE Pledge could help you to embed healthy behaviours into your everyday life. Pledging to a small behaviour change can be manageable and can result in a long term, sustainable change.
FEEL GOOD The new behaviour you adopt could make you feel better. For example you may feel more energetic, calmer, more confident, or healthier - because of the pledge. Pledge could give you a sense of achievement and increase your confidence and determination, helping you to tackle any other changes you want to make in your life.
Saksham Yuva Program Pledge
I Pledge to become a useful citizen of India.
I strongly believe that by learning Career Planning and Life Skills, I will have the power to think, to plan and to reason rationally.
For this I am ready to learn and develop - Self Awareness, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving skills. They will give me the strength and courage to tackle any life situation.
This represents the top band of my countries Flag which is of Saffron colour indicating the strength and courage of India.
I believe that by learning - Effective Communication, Empathy, Interpersonal Relationship skills will enable me to become kind, sympathetic, and peace-loving citizen of India.
I believe that by learning the skills - Coping with stress and emotions I will have the strength to enjoy life in a meaningful way.
This represent the middle band of my countries Flag which is White in colour indicating peace and truth with Dharma Chakra.
I believe that Life Skills and Career Planning will help me to live life with dignity; it will also enable me to be skillful, helpful and useful contributor in the development my Nation.
This represents the last band of my countries Flag which is Green in colour indicating the growth and auspiciousness of India.
I believe in my World, my Country, my State and my City/Village and in my responsibility towards them.
I am proud to be an Indian and I am committed for my country’s wellbeing and development.
Kick Start your career
Saksham Youth
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