Navigator Junior
Career Guidance for Standard 9th & 10th
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X.
The vision, of India's NEP 2020 is, "To develop an equitable and vibrant knowledge society." While the purpose of the education system of NEP 2020 is "To develop good human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination, with sound ethical moorings and values." It aims at "Producing engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as envisaged by our Constitution"
Why? It has been observed for the last two decade that - India produced “excess of higher education degree holders but it lacks skilled workers” resulting in unemployed Youth. The numbers of such unemployed is a matter of grave concern. According to the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, the Percentage of people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) for the age group of 15 - 24 is 29.30% and that of age group of 15 -29 is whopping 32.90%. Alarming isn't it?
It has been generally observed that, the high rate of unemployment in Youth, also called Yuva in India, is caused by their own and their parents’ mistakes in making better career decisions. It is also observed that, jobs information is not being communicated to the students from the schools, especially, in the semi urban and rural areas. If so - How would they know the needs of the present and future job market? or How would they know what needs to be done at school level (as a secondary school student) to select a good career? Another point is that - As far as career guidance in schools is concerned, teachers usually talk in general, they are neither clear nor give any details. In the absence of clear and detailed guidance, it is unlikely that the students would choose the right career for future job market demands.
With the current technological advances, new career opportunities are created rapidly and the jobs of today did not exist ten years ago. Thus, today’s students need to be equipped to negotiate their way in a similar if not more complex future. The average student of today can expect to change jobs several times, often in completely different sectors. They must experience a further period of learning to update their skills on a lifelong basis.
This is the stage (students of 9th & 10th grade) when the early adolescent Yuva’s are slowly moving from seeking and meeting adult expectations to seeking and meeting their own expectations through friendships and interactions with their peer group.
It is the stage (secondary school education) of developmental which also contains three progressive phases, namely, career awareness, career exploration and career planning. The process of discovering one’s identity involves clarification of interests and values, understanding one’s strengths, developing abilities, and formulating life roles in the context of one’s life experiences. All these work towards building social and emotional competencies that help students become proactive, resilient and adaptable.
My role at this critical point is to assist students in the formation of positive self-concepts, development of responsibility in all phases of their behaviour, develop an awareness of the world of work and how their interests and abilities help them to make tentative career choices.
I will help them to understand the importance of planning in their daily school lives and well as their personal life. Guiding them about how to get equipped with the key 21st century skills.
To me - everyone has the moral resolve to withstand an uncertain future, and a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to the success of India and the well-being of self and fellow Indians.”
Navigator Junior - Career Guidance for Standard 9th & 10th
Dear loving parents, I know that just like me (who was keen on finding reliable information about Careers for my daughter & son) you are also looking for reliable information about Careers for your daughter & son. Chances are that you have a rough idea & you want to validate the same. It is also possible that you are simply overwhelmed with the information which is there over the internet, making it difficult to segregate what is good and what is bad. Relax, you are at the right place.
Introducing My Navigator Junior Program- Career Guidance for Standard 9th & 10th
The main themes of my Navigator Junior program includes
(1) self-awareness and self-management;
(2) awareness of relational support and decision influencers;
(3) exploring the education landscape and planning pathways also understand the relevant courses of study;
(4) career sectors exploration.
“Children are the future” it might be a bit of a cliché…but that’s the only truth!
It is also true that - If children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond our wildest dreams!
Let's join hand to Empower your child for the future.
Saksham Youth
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